Products by Metal In Plovdiv

Rail and wagon parts

Rail and wagon parts

Metal In specializes in the production of parts for trains and wagons and is certified with EN 15085-2, which allows us to produce the following products:

Hydraulic tanks

Hydraulic tanks

Metal In is a manufacturer of hydraulic tanks for the hydraulic, agricultural and road construction industries.



Metal In has 2 assembly lines for conveyors, where we manufacture roller and chain conveyors, turntables for transfer between transitions in the line, as well as pallet dispensers.

Метални конструкции

Steel structure

Metal In has many years of experience in the production of metal structures..

Хидравлични и пневматични блокове

Hydraulic and pneumatic blocks

Metal In is a leading manufacturer in the country and abroad of hydraulic and pneumatic blocks for construction machinery, agricultural machinery.

Construction machinery parts

Construction machinery parts

Metal In is a manufacturer of parts for asphalt rollers, stone crushers, asphalt milling machines, asphalt pavers, concrete mixers and crane booms.

Детайли за селскостопански машини

Agricultural machinery parts

Metal In is a manufacturer of agricultural machinery for various Austrian, German and French brands, we have the EN 3834-2 certificate.

Изделия от листов материал

Sheet metal working

The modern equipment with CNC machines, which we have allow us to work sheet with thickness till 18 mm and dimensions 1500x3000 mm.

Agricultural machinery parts

Metal articles and constructions

We produce metal tube articles and constructions with dimention max. 5m and weight max. 3000kg.

Метални компоненти и механизми за мебели

Metal components and mechanism for furniture

Metal construction for tables, folding mechanism for beds, sofas and stools, medical beds with adjustable height, beds and desks that fold to the wall

Изделия от листов материал

Turning details

Our modern turning machines with CNC controls of company “Mazak” can machine details from all types of steels, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

Изделия от тръби и метални конструкции

Milling details

Maximum size of details is 1200x600x600 mm and maximum weight – 1200 kg

Метални компоненти и механизми за мебели

Powder and wet painting

The company has two lines for powder coating, in which can be produce details with maximum sizes 1000x2000x600 mm.

Press parts

Press parts

МMetal Yin has 9 eccentric presses with a force of 40 to 200 tons.

Лазерно рязане

Laser cutting

The company has 3 fiber lasers with which it performs cutting, both for its own needs and for customers.



With modern turning CNC machine we can offer quality production of big variety of details.



We offer MIG-MAG and WIG welding with a maximum current of 400 A. The welding machines are KEMPPI and MILLER.

Щанцоване и огъване

Punching and bending

Metal In Ltd have two punching machines – TRUMPH and Raskin and two CNC bending machines TRUMPH.



The new 3-axis and 5-axis CNC milling machines enable us to produce complex parts with excellent quality.